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+971 55 6413874
P.O. Box Sharjah

Welcome to STACS Group

Proudly Zimbabweans, STACS Group is a service oriented company established in May 2022 Zimbabweans with a vision to create a first class integrated services structure and other business solutions within the entire World. While various services are offered our core business is the commercial brokerage that puts the best management know-how, state-of-the-art technology and efficient logistic follow-up to work for you and your company needs.

In order to provide the kind of service that not only will ensure the retention of our customers but also attract others, we have established partnerships with some of the most reputable companies in the service industry in Africa and Middle East.

What We Offer

STACS Group offers an expertise in trade transactions, public relations, brokerage, business incubation, management consultancy and foreign company representation. 

Delivering value

We strive to become your lifelong advising partner accompanying you through your business cycle streamlining your everyday operations, performance and needs assessment for optimal efficiency.

Get in touch

We welcome your inquiries, feedback, and ideas to continuously serve you better.

    Core Values

    Put the interests of our customers first and be dedicated to providing an individualized business experience that assures customer satisfaction and earns their unwavering loyalty.

    Work as one cohesive team from the smallest unit to the Board of directors while developing and retaining leaders who continually raise the bar, provide direction, remove barriers and empower people to successfully achieve goals. We are dedicated to maintain a caring and supportive work environment that fosters a sharing of ideas, skills and resources.

    Dedicated to continuous innovation and pursuit of new ideas and opportunities to accelerate profitable growth. We deliver value in all we do to assure consistently high returns to our shareholders, recognize and reward excellent performance, which drives superior results

    Honor all commitments to our customers, employees and shareholders while conducting business with unwavering high standards of honesty, trust, professionalism and ethical behavior.

    Result orientated company with the ambition to succeed all our objectives set by the company.

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)