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+971 55 6413874
P.O. Box Sharjah

Commercial Brokerage

Commercial Brokerage

STACS Group commercial division aims to be a trustful, long-life partner to business entities interested in providing fast, high quality and personalized  services  to  their customer base.

Accurate and reliable information on buyer needs, market situation and suppliers, allows the provision of value-added brokerage services that:

  • Strengthen the capacity of procurement, sales and marketing services
  • Provide a list of selected suppliers and logistics services available in various trade
  • Offer advice and consulting services in refining marketing strategies and

Our services allow business entities to establish and maintain flexible and effective communication with its clientele. Continuous feedback from customers and markets represents a definite asset of organizations, regardless of its sector activity and a success factor one cannot simply afford to miss out on.

Our brokerage development services allow:

  • Conquering and developing clientele by acquisition of relevant information databases, prospect customer appointments, customer scheduling arrangements, customer surveys and marketing studies
  • Acquisition of information on best market value offers available, qualification of reliable suppliers, identification of optimal sites and  ideal  locations  for customer‟s inspection
  • Marketing through updated methods, g. batch-selling and auctions, in order to expedite movement of products and services
  • Use of state-of-the-art information management systems and technology, enabling business entities to reach integrated connectivity (telephone, mail, Internet, e-mail, fax, etc.) with customers, prospects, suppliers and emerging markets
  • Gaining information on multiple supply offers of products and services, needed to buy or sell, so as to position entities‟ competitiveness  in  terms  of  pricing, credit facility and order-delivery times, prevailing in relevant markets
  • Engagement in transactions with high degree of transparency while providing constant information flow about the market and cutting cost of intermediation between suppliers and sellers of goods and

Contact Us

  • Al Shams, P.O. Box Sharjah
  • +971 55 6413874

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)