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+971 55 6413874
P.O. Box Sharjah

Centre for Business Solutions (CBS)

Centre for Business Solutions (CBS)

CBS is a product of STACS Group which is a one-stop-shop that will offer the following services:

  • The Business Incubator
  • The Business Development Services
  • The Training Centre
  • The access to finance

Our brokerage development services allow:

  • Conquering and developing clientele by acquisition of relevant information databases, prospect customer appointments, customer scheduling arrangements, customer surveys and marketing studies
  • Acquisition of information on best market value offers available, qualification of reliable suppliers, identification of optimal sites and  ideal  locations  for customer‟s inspection
  • Marketing through updated methods, g. batch-selling and auctions, in order to expedite movement of products and services
  • Use of state-of-the-art information management systems and technology, enabling business entities to reach integrated connectivity (telephone, mail, Internet, e-mail, fax, etc.) with customers, prospects, suppliers and emerging markets
  • Gaining information on multiple supply offers of products and services, needed to buy or sell, so as to position entities‟ competitiveness  in  terms  of  pricing, credit facility and order-delivery times, prevailing in relevant markets
  • Engagement in transactions with high degree of transparency while providing constant information flow about the market and cutting cost of intermediation between suppliers and sellers of goods and
1. Business Incubator

Business Incubator is a facility that is dedicated to helping businesses get started/expand in United Arab Emirates and Zimbabwe by offering the most affordable rates for both workstations and office space. It is designed to nurture and support businesses become established and profitable, while creating jobs and wealth in playing a major role in socio-economy of   a country.

Its aim is to increase the possibility for a start-up company to stay in business for long while striving to boost the economy.

Within the incubator we shall also incorporate the concept of furnished executive offices which is gaining popularity in United Arab Emirates. Serviced Offices are a total solution in the sense    that they are fully fitted and furnished, ready for immediate occupation.

Office features include:

  • Private, secure work areas
  • State of art facility and equipments
  • High-speed Internet access and Local area network
  • 24/7 Call Centre Services
  • Telephone facility (digital telephones  )
  • Business centre (printers, fax machines, scanners, copiers, stationery, etc)
  • Continuous IT maintenance and support
  • Low overhead costs
  • Business counseling
  • Business training
  • Receptionist
  • Welcoming area
  • On-site center manager
  • Fully furnished conference room
  • Mail delivery service (incoming and outgoing)
  • Daily office cleaning services
  • Common areas g. break room, quick meeting areas
  • Power backup
2. Business Development Services

Business Development Services are designed to help micro, small, medium-sized enterprises (MSME), and cooperatives overcome barriers to increased profitability, by improving their productivity and access to high value markets.  In this way, they can create and sustain productive, remunerative and good quality jobs, as well as reduce poverty, and contribute to the development of the national economy.

For small business owners and managers, globalization means rapid change and often increased competition. To encourage competitiveness, business growth and employment creation, the EDC will assist partners in building national and local capacity in cost- effective and sustainable Business Development Services (BDS).

These services will include:

  • Training
  • Consultancy and Advisory services,
  • Marketing assistance
  • Information, technology development and transfer
  • Business linkage promotion
  • Linkages to finance and financial services.

Even though the public will be invited to attend these trainings, Incubated Companies must be encouraged to send their directors, staff or even interns, if they wish to improve their skills in pushing their respective businesses to the next level. A yearly Eventrix will be drawn to allow incubatee companies to plan their yearly agendas, so as to confirm training attendance as per Incubator requirements.

3. Training Centre

The Training Center is the third component of the integrated EDC with the clear mandate to produce and offer an extremely wide range of skills while helping to smoothly facilitate the knowledge transfer on business subjects to Zimbabwean community in UAE.

A monthly Training will be provided and different relevant topics on board will include:

  • Getting started in business
  • Small business development
  • Business plan development
  • Entrepreneur development
  • Basic Record keeping
  • Managing business finances
  • Marketing products and services
  • Managing employees
  • Managing growth
  • Managing production
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Business and workplace etiquette
  • International trade
  • Technology in business (e-commerce)

Even though the public will be invited to attend these trainings, Incubated Companies must be encouraged to send their directors, staff or even interns, if they wish to improve their skills in pushing their respective businesses to the next level. A yearly Eventrix will be drawn to allow incubatee companies to plan their yearly agendas, so as to confirm training attendance as per Incubator requirements.

Contact Us

  • Al Shams, P.O. Box Sharjah
  • +971 55 6413874

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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